Saturday, 11 May 2024

The After Life And What It's Like

 In the after life you do not eat or drink, You do not pee or poo, you do not sleep, you do not breath in the after life there is no world there in the after life  it is  void of land mass in the after life, The way you move around is with your mind.

 the sun has a soul the sun shines on you in the after life. no one dies in the after life you are immortals.

There is a law in the after life where no one can tell any one about the after life unless you are Part of the truth....

You can interacted with people in the birth realm you can posses people in the birth realm and take control of them, and do what you want to do to people in the birth realm and they would not even know it  that's the law only 6 spirits can posses one person at one time.

Friday, 10 May 2024

Speaking in your heart

 To put thought in your heart and see the thoughts coming from your chest, tilt your head to the left a bit

take your index finger put it over your chest where your heart is, try to say Mother in your heart.

You can put thought any where in your body, You can put thought in your womb females and see the thought coming from your belly, Just put your index finger over your bell and try to say your NAME.

This is not easy to do evil spirits will do every thing in there power to stop you.


The Creator Of Life

 The Creator of life is a woman not a man.

The Creator of life is in the womb of all the female, From the biggest to the smallest in every species Known to the Creator of life.

The Creator of life is fragile to evil one speck of evil would kill her, Evil can't enter the womb ever.

The Creator of life is in the womb she is safe there evil can't hurt my Creator of life ever.

The Creator of life will never hear any languishes know to man ever they would kill my Creator life.

You have to give birth to your new languish, And this languish the Creator of life will hear you.

You female Can put thought in your womb and the Creator of life will hear you, Your unborn chilled will hear you. 

You females' can put a secret sound in your womb only you and the Creator of life will hear, if any one come around and claims to be the Creator of life, if they do not know your secret sound they lie to you.

They are not the Creator of life.